My Big Brother Mick

Created by Angela 8 years ago
The loss of my dear big brother Mick, has left a vast void in all who had the honour to have known him. He inherited the unforgettable kindness, wit and compassion that our dear mum had. He also had the hard working ethic that all my brothers have from our dear dad. Always the party man, fantastic father and dear husband.
The one memory that always sticks in my mind was when we used to go to the village dances; I was about sixteen and I used to watch in awe at Mick and Diane jiving. They to me were the epitome of two young people so much in love and they were fantastic dancers! As I watched them I would think to myself that one day I could be like that.
Their love has lasted the test of time and one day we will all be reunited.
You have been a dear brother, father and husband, God bless you my lovely brother, al my love always.
Angie xxx